Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"Baseball games and Port O Potty's"

I'm so happy to say Tessa is officially potty trained in a record 4 day's. I have to admit I was starting to think the child was headed to school in diapers, because she seemed to show absolutely no interest at all.

However a potty trained child does pose an interest when you are sitting at Caleb's ball game. Tessa comes to me and says I habe noo(to) go ninkle(tinkle)Me: do you really have to go(I hate port o potty's smells and I just don't get along)Tess:Yes!!!!! I really wanted to just tell her to go in her pull up but that would kind of defeat the purpose, so off we went.

Unfortunately when your 3 years old the port o potty is like a new adventure and Tess thought she should check it all out. Upon entering the stall we realize that someone has seriously dooked and it sitting right on top of a diaper, seriously who would throw that in there! Tess declares ewwww moop(poop) and I am seriously trying to hold my breath as much as possible telling her to not worry about it and to hurry up and goooooooo!!!!!

She was able to get the task done and we head back to the bleachers to fetch the wipes out of the diaper bag and try to disinfect our hands as much as possible and I say to my mom there was a old diaper in the thing and there was dookie right on top of it, who would do such a thing. She starts laughing and says um I think dad threw it in there last week when he helped the kids go to the bathroom. Oh to think my own father would do such a thing.Ha!